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What to Expect with Brachioplasty Recovery?

Posted in Brachioplasty

Do you want to feel more confident wearing short-sleeved shirts or sleeveless tops? The arms, specifically the back of the arms, can be one of the most difficult areas to target when it comes to toning and sculpting with diet and exercise. Brachioplasty, or arm sculpting, can help correct loose, sagging skin for slimmer, more defined arms.

Now that you know what an arm lift can do, you might wonder what recovery is like from this particular surgery. Read on to learn what to expect from a brachioplasty recovery with Dr. Christopher K. Livingston in Houston, TX.

Brachioplasty At a Glance

Brachioplasty, more commonly referred to as an arm lift, is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces excess skin and fat in the area between the underarm and elbow. After substantial weight fluctuations or aging, the skin along the upper arms can become lax and unattractively flabby. Brachioplasty removes this excess skin and fat to create a shapelier and more toned appearance.

Once you turn 30, the muscles in your arms decrease up to 5% and continue to lose mass every ten years. Brachioplasty can help achieve a firmer shape to your arms and restore your lost confidence.

This procedure is performed under anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. It involves making an incision along the inside of the arm, from the armpit towards the elbow. Then, the extra skin is trimmed away. Dr. Livingston may include liposuction to remove excess fat and further contour the upper arms.

What to Expect Right After the Procedure

Along with bandages, you may be required to wear compression garments around your arms to support the new contour. This will also help to keep swelling down and ease any discomfort.

Someone should be available to drive you home after surgery and assist you for the first few days of your arm surgery recovery. They can help you with tasks involving your arms, like standing up, sitting down, lifting objects, and making meals.

You must stay hydrated following your procedure to help speed up the recovery time and flush any residual anesthesia or toxins from your body.

Is Recovery Painful?

During your recovery, it’s normal to experience some discomfort. You may notice soreness, swelling, and some bruising, but these should lessen after the first few days. Plan for a one to two-week recovery time, though it may take several weeks for the tissues in your arms fully heal.

You can use pillows to keep your arms elevated and help circulation. Dr. Livingston will also prescribe pain medication to help manage pain.

Will There Be Scars?

An incision is involved in an arm lift to remove extra skin, so there will be some scarring. Your incision will lighten and diminish as you heal. To help your scar become more refined, avoid direct sunlight for the first 12 months after your surgery by wearing protective clothing and sunscreen. This will help prevent further discoloration of the skin.

When Can You Start Exercising Again?

You’ll need to pause exercising until it is deemed safe by your surgeon to do so. It may be a month or two before you can resume your regular activities. Start slowly with a daily walk, and ease back into regular fitness as long as it feels comfortable. Once Dr. Livingston gives you the green light to exercise again, you can return to focusing on muscle growth and definition for your arms.

Find Out If Brachioplasty Is Right for You

Choosing the right surgeon is crucial to your brachioplasty recovery time. They should have vast experience in cosmetic surgery and extensive knowledge of body contouring. Learn more about how this popular Houston procedure can transform your confidence by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Chris Livingston by calling (218) 501-1812 or contacting us through our website when convenient for you.