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Planning Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

Posted in Tummy Tuck

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Living is hard work on your body. Pregnancy, stress at a new job, and spending all your energy chasing around and raising little people all impact just how much your body might change, especially around your midsection. For those who want to rejuvenate their bellies and repair some of the wear and tear caused by kids and the things life throws at them, there’s a wonderful procedure called abdominoplasty, better known as the tummy tuck.

Just like with any relatively involved surgery, the tummy tuck will require some downtime where you’ll need to relax and take it easy. If you’re thinking about a tummy tuck in your future, this blog post is for you. In it, we’ll describe a few things you can do before and after your surgery to navigate the whole experience with grace.

Start Planning Your Surgery and Recovery Early!

There are a few details you’ll want to start sorting out at least six months away from the window when you want to have your tummy tuck surgery.

First, do yourself a favor and schedule at least a few consultations. Make sure your concerns are heard, you feel comfortable with the surgeon, and do some due diligence by examining pictures of some of the doctor’s previous work.

Next, you’ll want to use this time before your surgery to make sure your health is in order. This will ensure the best results and safety throughout. For a tummy tuck, you’ll want to be relatively close to your ideal weight, and you should quit using tobacco well in advance of your procedure.

Get Help Lined Up for Your Recovery

You’ll need help even for minor movement around the house immediately following your surgery. This can be from a friend, loved one, partner, etc. It would be best to have someone help you with mundane chores like feeding animals or light cleaning to make sure you’re resting properly in the early days of recovery.

Meal Plan Before Your Surgery

Meal planning a week or two before you go in for tummy tuck surgery and making sure you have healthy, easy-to-cook meals on hand when you get home will take a huge load off your shoulders.

Listen to Your Doctor’s Recovery Instructions

This should go without saying, but make sure you follow your doctor’s guidance on medications, regaining your mobility, and more. It may seem like all the hard work went into getting your tummy tuck scheduled and completed, but the results are truly made in your recovery. So stick with it!

Want to Find Out More Details Before You Schedule a Tummy Tuck?

Planning a surgery, no matter what it is, is a big deal and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Having the right space and roadmap for recovery can make a big difference in how quickly you heal, how quickly your results start showing, and how long your results will last.

Place your tummy tuck surgery plan in the hands of Dr. Chris Livingston, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Houston, TX. Please contact us or call (281) 501-1812 to get started today. Also, be sure to check out Dr. Livingston’s abdominoplasty before and after gallery.