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Laser Skin Resurfacing


Livingston Plastic Surgery employs the latest and most advanced Fraxel® Laser skin technology which tightens the skin resulting in a younger and smoother surface with a noticeable reduction in pore size.

Laser skin resurfacing helps to reduce scars, wrinkles and blemishes on the face. The procedure, also known as a laser peel, laser vaporization and lasabrasion, uses precise targeting to remove unwanted, damaged skin one layer at a time while also stimulating growth of new collagen.

To learn more about laser skin resurfacing or to discuss your different options, request a consultation today.

Dr. Livingston

Christopher Livingston, MD

“The most important part of plastic surgery is achieving a youthful, refreshed look, with minimal downtime.”

Board-Certified Plastic & Reconstructive surgeon

Chris Livingston, MD

I believe that every design is personal. The connection we have with clients determines how the projects will look at the end of the design process. We must understand the clients and bond with them, be a part of their dream. Their dream is our dream.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing in Houston, TX

Advances in skin rejuvenation have evolved in recent years. Dermatologists have used the carbon dioxide laser for treating acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, pigment discolorations and generalized skin damage from sun exposure. No recent advancement in cosmetic surgery has had more of an impact than the development of laser skin resurfacing. Recent advances in carbon dioxide laser technology using fractionated lasers have improved recovery and results. Lasers work by emitting a powerful beam of light which generates energy and heat that removes the superficial layers of skin. As the skin heals it is replaced by new living cells and collagen which tightens the skin resulting in a younger and smoother surface with a noticeable reduction in pore size.


Livingston Plastic Surgery employs the latest and most advanced Fraxel laser skin technology to:

  • Tighten and smooth eyelid skin
  • Reduce crow’s feet
  • Reduce and flatten scars
  • Reduce or remove keloid and hypertrophic scars (raised and red scars)
  • Smooth frown lines and fine wrinkles on the cheeks and upper lip
  • Remove warts and skin cancers
  • Remove vascular lesions such as hemangiomas (little benign tumors made of blood vessels) and capillary malformations (e.g. port wine stains)
  • Remove pigmented lesions such as freckles and birthmarks
  • Treat rhinophyma (enlarged oil glands on the nose)

CHOOSE DR. CHRIS LIVINGSTON for smoother, younger skin

Laser treatments are usually performed under general or local anesthesia and on the face or facial units such as around the eyes or mouth but the neck, chest, arms, hand and even abdomen are sometimes requested.

Look and feel younger today with laser skin rejuvenation that can last for years to come. Request a consultation with us today.