Posted in Gynecomastia
What Causes Gynecomastia, and What Can Be Done About It?
Some men have the unfortunate experience of abnormal breast enlargement or swelling of one or both of their breasts. This medical condition is called gynecomastia and can lead to embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. There are numerous causes for gynecomastia. In many cases, the enlargement of male breasts is in large part due to a hormonal imbalance within the body. It may also occur due to excessive weight gain, steroid or marijuana use, or genetics.
If you’ve been suffering from the symptoms of gynecomastia and would like to learn more about your options, schedule your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher K. Livingston. Keep reading as we break down what can be done about gynecomastia to help you weigh your options and prepare the appropriate questions when you arrive for your consultation.
Methods of Male Breast Reduction
First, to determine the proper method of breast reduction, the patient will need to consult with a medical practitioner to identify the causes of the condition. Breast enlargement may be a side effect of certain medications the patient might be taking for some other ailment.
In cases of obesity, the patient may be advised to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine to lose weight, which might indirectly reduce the size of enlarged male breasts.
For cases that cannot be treated through diet and exercise or medicine, a board-certified plastic surgeon can perform a male breast reduction procedure to remove excess breast tissue. Depending on the type of gynecomastia you’re experiencing, there are two methods of breast reduction surgery: excision surgery and liposuction surgery.
One of the most common surgical approaches for male breast reduction is excision. This option is usually preferred when a large portion of the swollen breast is filled with glandular tissue as opposed to fatty tissue, since glandular tissue cannot be effectively removed through liposuction.
Excision involves an incision on the chest where the glandular tissue can be carefully removed using a scalpel. If excess drooping skin is present, it can be trimmed away and closed with a medical suture.
The liposuction approach is adopted in cases where the enlarged breast is composed of adipose tissue as opposed to glandular tissue. In this method, a tube with a pointed end called a cannula, is used to suction out the fatty tissue from the chest to contour it.
In some situations, a combination of liposuction and excision may be necessary, depending on the composition of the patient’s breast tissue.
Schedule Your Gynecomastia Consultation Today!
If you’re concerned that you have gynecomastia and would like to do something about it, your first and most important step is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Christopher K. Livingston in Houston, TX will share his wealth of knowledge on the subject to determine the composition of your male breasts to find the perfect solution for you. To schedule with us, call (281) 501-1812 or contact us online today.